Aging Mechanic

Getting Older

Sheep get 1 year older for every 12 energy that they earn HOPE$ for, and Sheep stop earning at the age of 10. As they age, Sheep earn attribute points that can be distributed by the player (see "Sheep -> Attributes").

Once a sheep has fully matured to 10 years of age, don't fret, there are ways to give it new life and reset its earning potential (see "Life Elixir").

Benefits of Aging

Getting older isn't all bad. Sheep are gifted bonus attribute points on their birthday as well as a tax reduction. When they reach the end of their current "earning life" they are even given a chance at "renewed life."

Aging Attribute Bonus Points

Sheep gain 1 attribute point for every year older they get, and players can pick which attribute to boost.

Tax Reduction

For every year older a Sheep becomes, its tax rate is reduced by 1%.

Renewed Life

When a sheep celebrates its 10th birthday it can earn no more. But players will have the opportunity to use the "renewed life" ability to receive either a new sheep egg ("immaculate conception"), a "clone" of the current sheep, or even a "life elixir!"

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