
"Earning Life Cycle"


Dreamland implements an innovative system to prevent HOPE$ from experiencing runaway inflation and the "slow death" that most Play2Earn utility tokens experience. We control the potential HOPE$ earning of every NFT that is created. Don't worry, we make sure to allow for profit to be made by the majority of players, but at a sustainable rate.

How do we control earnings? Every NFT earns for 120 energy before it can earn no more. At this point, players can mint a new Sheep, get one from the marketplace, "clone" their sheep, or acquire a "Life Elixir" which will give new life to their prized NFT Sheep and add one Lifetime to its stats.

Sheep with many lives will receive benefits as the game progresses, so hang on to those wise old sheep! (see "Roadmap -> And Beyond").

Last updated